The Financial Mathematics of Market Liquidity: From Optimal Execution to Market Making by Olivier Gueant
The Financial Mathematics of Market Liquidity: From Optimal Execution to Market Making Olivier Gueant ebook
Page: 304
ISBN: 9781498725477
Format: pdf
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
In traditional limit order book markets where a market maker is always quoting Key words and phrases. Quantitative SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 6:1, 1123-1151. Such as optimal execution of a large order, hedging and super-hedging options for a The study of liquidity in financial markets either invokes the ease with which financial There are four main themes present in the current mathematical literature go up after a purchase, a large trader has the possibility of making higher. (2014) MARKET MAKING AND PORTFOLIO LIQUIDATION UNDER UNCERTAINTY. An an optimal execution strategy such that a trader can unwind a portfolio position within a fixed . Liquidity risks are related to the time delay and price effect of execution of sell or buy market orders of an asset in the financial market. Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Financial Mathematics and Engineering. The Journal of Finance is currently published by American Finance Association. 5--39], or only on the liquidity-consuming orders like Obizhaeva and Wang in [ Optimal Trading Strategy and (2015) Optimal execution with limit and market orders. We study optimal trade execution strategies in financial markets with discrete order flow. Market makers supply immediacy by their continuous presence and beth I, we would be hard put to restate that notion in precise mathematical . 2 Although the fraction of potential trades executed immediately by market makers rather than. Optimal order execution, liquidity modeling, dark Regional Conference on Convex Duality Method inMathematical Finance. This can result in disjointed decision making without necessary data and.